Welcome cocktail reception, Tuesday 18 September 6:00–8:00pm, open to all delegates! Venue: Penny Royal
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Kate McKegg

The Knowledge Institute
New Zealand
Kate has worked in the fields of evaluation, evaluation capacity building, research, policy and public sector management since the late 1980s. She has developed specialist skills in developmental evaluation, programme evaluation, evaluation capacity building, strategy, policy, research, training and facilitation. She has been applying these skills for over 25 years in government, non-government, philanthropic and community contexts, including many indigenous settings. Kate is the director of The Knowledge Institute Ltd (www.knowledgeinstitute.co.nz) and a member of the Kinnect Group (www.kinnect.co.nz), as well as an indigenous led collective Tuakana Teina, based in the Waikato region of New Zealand. She is also a co-founder of the Developmental Evaluation Institute (www.developmentalevaluation.institute) andafounding member and current Deputy Convenor of the Aotearoa New Zealand Evaluation Association (ANZEA). Kate is co-editor of New Zealand’s only evaluation text, Evaluating Policy and Practice, a New Zealand Reader(2003), and along with Nan Wehipeihana, Kataraina Pipi and Veronica Thompson) was a recipient of the Australasian Evaluation Society2013 Best Evaluation Policy and Systems Award for a developmental evaluation of an indigenous sport and recreation programme. She is also co-editor (along with Michael Quinn Patton and Nan Wehipeihana) of the book Developmental Evaluation:Real World Applications, Adapted Tools, Questions Answered, Emergent Issues, Lessons Learned, and Essential Principles, Guildford Press, New York, (2015).